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Corporate social responsibility

Progress driven by responsibility, accountability and integrity.

Our corporate social responsibility (CSR) commitments refer to our responsibility toward society. Our company doesn’t exist in isolation; it’s part of a bigger system of people, values, other organisations and nature. Businesses have a responsibility to ensure they are having a positive impact on the world. This is something that’s at the heart of everything we do.

NFP employees posing for a picture.

We do so by:

Defining clear and measurable key performance indicators and goals to monitor performance.

Focusing on using effective communications to create excitement, foster a culture of sustainability, and educate all NFP team members on how sustainability impacts them, our company and other NFP stakeholders.

We strive to have a positive impact on our surroundings by investing money, as well as our time, passion and effort, to support initiatives, campaigns and charities that help improve local communities and the lives of those who live within them.

Real progress requires active involvement across our organisation, including a shared belief that we will always have opportunities to learn and improve.

Our corporate sustainability pillars

These pillars guide all of our corporate sustainability actions and focus, from where we invest to how we engage.

Environmental Environmental

Environmental stewardship

Social Social

Talent attraction, retention and development

Diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging (DEIB)

Employee health and safety

Corporate citizenship and community relations

Employee engagement

Governance Governance

Data security

Customer privacy

Risk management

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